Here we work as per the guidelines and principles of His holiness Daati Maharaj who is an ardent advocate of The Three Principles-
Sewa, Satsang and Sumiran are the three basic pillars of human holistic existence and all our activities runs round these principles. Instead of constructing Ashrams and Temples Daati -The Divine believes in constructing Homes and Temples of Modern Education for the lesser privileged and deprived helpless Children and Youths!!! Excerpts from Daati's Bliss……………! Human is the One who has Learned how to Learn and Change !!!
Education is the absolute and certain imperative to development. For the achievement of sustainable all-round development, societies and civilizations have looked for certain fundamental pillars in place, and education remains one of them till date, without which future growth is inconceivable. We are working under the vision and guiding light of His Holiness Daati Maharaj who is an ardent advocate of potential and power of education for human welfare! In today's context of information based society, education is the key to a whole world of opportunities. A whole host of problems in fields of healthcare, economic opportunity, women empowerment and social development can be traced back to a lack of proper education. Organization's objectives must provide the strategic direction/ guidelines and thrust areas for work, ensuring performance and management as well. Policies and plans should be devised to bring about changes to attitudes to equality in education opportunities for boys and girls and parallel initiation of a positive cultural shift. Some changes may come about by the affirmative results out of these policies. " A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions !!! "
While educating the young souls, special care must be taken so that, sound character, respect towards values, love and regard for the nation- patriotism, sincerity and the 'Sanatana Samskaras' are inculcated in them along with the modern education. At the same time our emphasis should be directed towards development of self-sustainable and employment generation systems of education. Here we are primarily focusing on womens' education so that they can shackle the barriers of exploitation and see the dawn of self sufficiency and self reliance in social, economic and political spheres of life.
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